The Israeli Festival Horror Story

Penning this article isn’t easy because it dives into real-life events using film and cultural theory. Before we get started, it’s essential to emphasize my deep sympathy for the victims of the tragedy. I don’t personally view them as sinful or deserving of harm. Instead, we’re going to explore how this narrative might be manipulated for propaganda and social conditioning.

Israeli intelligence has a reputation as one of the world’s most formidable, a necessity due to the multitude of adversaries faced by the Jewish state. Consequently, there is a prevailing belief among many that given their exceptional intelligence capabilities, it seems implausible that they were completely unaware of an impending attack of this scale and magnitude.

This raises the critical question of why an event of this nature would be permitted to take place and what potential advantages it could offer to the authorities. While there is no doubt that this was an authentic attack orchestrated by Hamas, speculation arises as to whether it might have been allowed to occur to garner support for an escalation in hostilities against the Palestinian state and, subsequently, against certain neighbouring nations viewed as hostile by Israel.

With this in mind, it becomes interesting to scrutinize the very essence of the narrative that has unfurled in connection to these attacks. Regardless of the extent of control or orchestration inherent in this narrative, it can be likened to the conventions found in cinema, where the interplay between the joyful and the brutal, between abandon and morality, is masterfully wielded to captivate our attention and intensify the emotional impact and trauma.

One of the narratives that has received the most coverage is the attack on the outdoor SuperNova festival, with harrowing images of barefooted young adults being chased down and brutally massacred by rabid fanatical Hamas terrorists. Many compared it to a teen slasher Horror movie. With horrific accounts of slaughter rape and dismemberment.

In dissecting the slasher horror genre, we uncover a recurring theme: a hidden puritanical message lurking beneath the surface. In these films, it’s often the characters who engage in behaviours considered “sinful” by society—like substance use, rebellion, premarital sex, or reckless revelry—who find themselves squarely in the crosshairs of relentless killers.

The underlying lesson these movies try to teach us is clear: stepping away from the well-trodden path of societal norms can lead to a grim fate, potentially ending in punishment or, quite literally, death. It’s a stark reinforcement of traditional conservative values, emphasizing the importance of sexual restraint and unwavering conformity.

This theme is notably evident in iconic horror classics like Halloween, Friday the 13th, and the cleverly self-aware cabin in the woods or Scream franchise, which adds a modern twist to the genre’s age-old dynamics. These movies not only scare us but also provide an intriguing commentary on societal norms and the consequences of deviating from them.

Israel like many nations is a divided nation with some having greater empathy for the plight of Palestinians than others. The attendees of the festival with its billing as a celebration of peace and love are likely to have greater sympathy for the Palestinians with a desire to share with them greater freedoms. They are very much representative of subculture within Israel especially amongst its youth.

If the goal is to make more Israelis adopt a tougher stance on the Palestinian situation, this story can be quite effective. It targets those in society who don’t share the government’s preferred values and beliefs. Within the brutal realm of slasher films, the survivors, usually epitomized by the conventionally “pure” “final girl,” emerge from the bloody wreckage to bear the burden of rebuilding and upholding traditional values. A conclusion that involves a return to order and the re-establishment of societal norms.

It’s a journey of the  loss of innocence and naivety. The contrast between the carefree celebration and the subsequent violence highlights the idea that overindulgence may bring harm to individuals . The violence representing a harsh awakening to the moral realities of the world.

You may also want to check out the linked article below, as it has a connection to the topic


  1. avatar
    Cristian says:

    An interesting article. Having examined, over these past months, the different perspectives on what happened on October 7th, I find it very hard to believe that there was not some degree of complicity from the Israeli side in this event. We have been told that the Israeli military intelligence apparatus is second to none, the possess some of the most advanced security systems, MOSSAD, whose motto is “By deception, wage War” are known as one of the most effective spying operatives in the world, able to infiltrate everywhere and yet they were unable to detect this attack before it happened? It seemed somewhat unreal, at the time, the scene of Hamas troops on paragliders and motorbikes waltzing through and wreaking havoc… Furthermore some of the damage to the properties at the Kibbutz and the cars escaping the festival rave do not seem to come from the relatively lightly armed palestinians. Indeed some Israeli witnesses have said that there was heavy artillery fire from their own side and that hostages were killed… blown up …. along with Hamas fighters. Then we have the 40 beheaded baby stories and other attrocity stories that were quickly trotted out with no evidence shown, later even retracted (but they stuck). all this follows the pattern of disaster shock.. a well documented technique of brainwashing documented by Will Sergeant in his book “The Battle For The Mind.” Basically in the immediate aftermath of a shocking event, the psychological effect of the shock of it is to make people easily suggestible… thus even if there is no evidence they will believe what they are told about it and that is what sticks in the memory. So yeah, I think there is a lot to look at and this whole matter has unleashed a tidal wave of violence on an apocalyptic scale. Then we have also the extreme nature of the current Israeli government. When you look at the potential for something like this to be criminally motivated and set up as an event designed to trigger off a wave of events then you need to look at the motivation. Do they have a motive? Yes is the answer. What is the motive? The fulfillment of their political aims. What is the aim? A Greater israel. They know full well that their aims can only be achieved by war. This strain of Zionists we see in power now are of the Jabotinsky School of thought. Jabotinsky was totally unapologetic about the fundamental necessity of violence for the achievement of Zionist aims, for he knew that no colonial project is be achievable without meeting resistance from the native population. All this he outlined in his book “The Iron Wall” written in 1923. His ideas and the methods he outlines to achieve them are chillingly similar to Hitlers ideas. (incidentally, on a cinematic level, there is something about much of this that reminds me of the Hunger Games, but that’s another matter. Anyway, thanks for your thought provoking article.

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